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US-Raketen-Einsatz in Ukraine: Russia deported from Atomwaffen

US-Raketen-Einsatz in Ukraine: Russia deported from Atomwaffen

Stop: 19.11.2024 17:53 Uhr

Russia attacked Ukraine during US-Escalations in the West. Außenminister Lawrow has a new Regeln for Atomwaffen’s Einsatz. Die hatte Präsident Putin kurz zuvor verschärft

Russia’s Austrian Minister Sergej Lawrow reacted to the US-Raketen attacks against many Russian states in Ukraine. “Wenn Raketen mit größerer Reichweite von der Ukraine aus in Richtung russisches Territorium eingesetzt werden, bedeutet dies, dass sie von US-Militärexperten beient werden”, Lawrow nach dem G20-Gipfel in Rio de Janeiro.

Verteidungsministerium in Moskau ensured that Ukraine had the United States producing ATACMS attacks in Brjansk, Grenz District, Russia. When Angaben was warned, it became the first Angriff of US President Joe Biden, Ukraine’s ATACMS-Raketen rival in Russia.

“Wir werden, ass a new phase des westlichen Krieges gegen Russia’s betrayal and death as entsprechend reagieren”, Lawrow in the fugue. Russia’s new Atomwaffendoktrine is a trademark located in Richtung in the Western Region of Ukraine. Moskau faced an Atomkrieg zu versucht.

Putin Used Atomdoctrine

President Putin called Russia’s Atomic Doctrine Kurz Zuvor Verschärfung at Kraft. This document, called Atomwaffen in Russia, later became available. This is a case of Moskau’s Aggression, which does not have nuclear weapons with the atomic bomb, the most powerful enemy of Russia. The wealth of the USA, Great Britain and Frankreich, together with Ukraine being militarily rich.

There have been gilded atoms since the autumn, which, together with the military infrastructure and the infrastructure of Russia, has a very strong potential. NATO’s worldwide wealth has enriched Ukraine in the best possible way.

At the same time, there are atoms in Russia that use the best of Russia’s best Staatsgebietes zu Verwehren. Available in Ostsee-Exklave Kaliningrad with the 2014 Ukrainian Halbinsel Krim.

Eingeschlossen is a traditional Angriff of Russia or Belarus and is a “critical value for a Souveränität and/or regionally world-class country.” Die Erwähnung von Belarus is the new gegenüber of the Fassung der Doktrin.

Baerbock: “Lassen uns nicht einschüchtern”

Putin made new developments regarding Atomwaffen’s Einsatz. The Verschärfung of the Atomdoktrin was the same as the Drohgebärde. Russische Hardliner took action once again. Your discussion has turned into the best Ukrainian version because the Western Version does nothing.

AB-Außenbeauftragte Josep Borrell says that Drohung with Atomwaffen is “complett unverantwortlich”. Es sei nicht das erte Mal, because Putin Unsicherheit erzeugen wolle, i.e. Borrell. According to Bundesaußenbaker Annalena Baerbock, Putin speaks with anger and the beginning of the wars in Ukraine are spreading more widely. “Wir lassen uns nicht einschüchtern, egal, was immer wieder Neues herumposaunt wird”, sagte die Grünen-Politikerin nach einem Treffen mehrerer europäischer Außenminister in Warschau.

The USA praised the National Sicherheitsrat Keinen Grund and signed a new Nuclear Strategy. Russian Understanding is a very important thing, and it is in everything, where the USA is nowhere.