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Endspurt between Dow ins Plus and Nvidia-Zahlen

Endspurt between Dow ins Plus and Nvidia-Zahlen

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – ABD-Börsen stated that Mittwoch is a Schlussspurt hinge. Offenbar has a number of experts who understand the Zahlen of the KI-Halbleiterspezialisten and the Quartalsbericht of Nvidia. Warnings are available on Verlustzone.

Endspurt between Dow ins Plus and Nvidia-Zahlen

Leitindex Dow Jones Industrials gained 0.32 points to 43,408.47 points. The highest point of S&P 500 decreased with 5,917.11 points, and in the coming period, Nasdaq 100, which has the highest technology index, reached 20,667.10 points with 0.08 points.

Nvidia-Zahlen uses the Big Bank’s Investment Strategy and UBS’s Best Investment Strategy in Berichtssaison. The best among the best quarters of Mega-Techkonzernen was a Wachstumsstory of intelligent intelligence (KI), which was one of the experts. “Seinen Quartalsgewinn zum neunten Mal in Serie gesteigert hat. Damit würde Nvidia ein Stück weiter in seine hohe Bewertung hineinwachsen”, advises Portfolio Manager Thomas Altmann from QC-Partners. An Enttäuschung might be something Börsen could bring. Seit Jahresbeginn hat sich der Aktienkurs fast verdreifacht.

With a Minus of $0.8, $145.89 was an amount earned by a Vortag with Nvidia Header. This happened once again after the $149.77 Rekordhoch, but it made very little money.

I’m Fokus, I’m at Wochenmitte and Einzelhandler. At the supermarket, Walmart is tagging along with a new product and another major product, predicting disappointing results for the next quarter and the next target. Walmart’s US Sale for Aktie’s New Year’s Eve was something 21 Prozent missed. Walmart – labels up to 3 cents – up to 0.7 cents. Branch Heading Dollar General, Kohl’s and Dollar Tree fell as low as 4.2 Prozent.

Die in Nio’s Gelisteten Hinterlegungsscheine von Nio in New York, this ensured stabilization and enttäuschenden Quartalszahlen des a Schlingerkurs together with Chinese Electro Autobauers. Am Ende stands at 0.4 Prozent zu Buche of Plus. UBS Analyst Paul Gong confirmed Konkurrens regarding Bewertung’s best days.

Die Fluggesellschaft Delta Actions faced a negative branch of a Kursrückgang of 1.7 Procent. Das Unternehmen will then stop investing in order to invest and thus the investments will be stopped. Many thanks to Herausforderungen, Citigroup-Analyst Stephen Trent.

As part of US President Donald Trump’s Fernsehen Mehmet Öz’s Staatlichenversicherungs programs, it will have more branches. Humana, Unitedhealth, Centene and CVS go up to 5.8.

Stability in Europe is better now. $1.0542 reached a low of less than $1.05 before Donnerstag entered a war for the first time. Europäische Zentralbank has set Referenzkurs am Mittwoch until the US Dollar festival at 1.0562 (Dienstag: 1.0578). Dollar cost is 0.9467 (0.9453) Euro.

USA-Staatsanleihen gaben nach. Der Latest Transactions Papiere (T-Note-Future) decreased to 0.18 points with 109.64 points. Die Rendite für diese Papiere stieg im Gegenzug auf 4,42 Prozent./gl/he

— Von Gerold Löhle, dpa-AFX —