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Echo Hub im Test: Amazon’s Smarthome-Steuerzentrale for 200 euros?

Echo Hub im Test: Amazon’s Smarthome-Steuerzentrale for 200 euros?

Aus Neugier created Schnell Ernst. Bei mir zu Hause hat die smart home– Philips-Hue-Lampe is an example of Bridge and Schalter. Mittlerweile is that Haus is smarter than Leuchten, Steckdosen and Thermostat and Echo-Lautsprechern. denn Alexa Soll mir helfen, die Geräte zu steuern. Auf räumlicher The basic, instinctively, has better value every night. Versteht die Assistenz nur ein Wort falsch, entschuldigt sie sich zwar, das Licht im Wohnzimmer bleibt aber trotzdem aus.

Ich pregnant gern zu: Das hat mich mehr als nur einmal zur Weißglut getrieben. Amazon will mir – und allen anderen Besitzer:innen mit (zu) vielen Smarthome-Geräten – nun helfen. The Echo Hub is also included in the Schaltzentrale along with the Smarthome complete with Griff. Kostenpunkt: 200 Euros. What are you doing?

Wand for Amazon Echo Hub

Previously click on your device with a tablet tablet. Nothing happens. Carton noticed me stopping at the Echo Hub and the Wand once again. Alternatively, another alternative can be used. Das mitgelieferte Stromkabel must do something. Einen Akku did nothing. I also really like the Smarthome-Zentrale zum Einsatz kommen.

Did the Hub have the same features as the Echo-Display: Compatible with Smart Home Standards Zigbee and Matter? Compatible devices can also establish a direct connection with the device. With a Bridge (or “Gateway”), Schalten cannot be further benefited from smarter Lamps, Thermostat and Co. The Echo Hub’s control center is also a highlight.

Amazon’s smart TV uses the Echo Show 8 as a Hub camera for video telephony. All of the sensors on the device, including Hilfe, are located on the back of the screen. Die Anzeige passt sich entsprechend an. The more weight we have, the more moisture we get at the current Temperature on the Display. You can use the widget only for detailed viewing. Das klappt gut, ist aber kein Alleinstellungsmerkmal. Effective Echo-Show-Geräte is important for functionality.

Die Tasten am on Amazon Echo Hub.

Accessing Amazon Echo Hub is provided. A call is then initiated and a key is pressed to ring the microphone. (Photo by t3n)

Der Bildschirm des Hub lost 1,280 × 800 Screenshots. 8 major problems were encountered regarding one issue. My gut feeling is: Bild has hell and dazzling stability. Allerdings shows that Hub is very clearly wrong.

Sorgt for Mold Software Übersicht

There is no big difference in software from other Amazon-Bildschirmen. Echo Shows are included in the Echo Hub with all display connections in the Alexa-App, along with entertainment and music events at Startbildschirm and other events. enriched Smarthome Groups came together. This is none other than Räume im Haus.

Firstly, adjusting the initial temperature of the Wohnzimmer and the temperature of the Schlafzimmer is possible by first formulating them correctly. Inside: Ein Eintrag in der Seitenleiste heißt “Routinen”. I found all the routines and lost coins falling on my Fingertip. Zusätzlich may naturally allow Alexa to be bitten, which may affect her. Sprachastenz runs actively on the Echo Hub.

That's why you can use Muskiwiedergabe on Amazon Echo Hub.

Apart from the Echo Hub, so do the Medienwiedergabe in Räumen Steuern. (Photo: t3n)

Used passively in Smarthome in the dock. Praktisch. Use a hint for a login to create a login with a device type. Since the inception of Warnings and Critique, this has been a long time coming. The Germans ensured that the first Fingertip was deactivated in a few nights. Auch sonst geht es eher gemütlich zu. The menus are very diverse and belong to Wechsel zwischen den Räumen. Das nimmt der Steuerzentrale und Charme.

Hier muss Amazon nachbessern

Über die Startseite lässt sich ebenfalls streiten. You can use widgets with the Kalender or Wetter feature. Amazon scheint allerdings Probleme zu haben, Partner:innen für diese Widgets zu finden. Versandhandler’s greatest strength and was that he never did anything. This is a Widget for the comprehensive Schnellzugriff from Smarthome-Geräte. Favorites are also available in the Alexa App among smartphone applications. Applications were made with digital Post-its, which were used in later times and in Kalender.

Interacting with the widgets is uncomplicated among the Echo Hub’s menus. Activate a Widget, do nothing with a Tablet or Smartphone and access the Start Page. The situation arises as a result of saying something once again and opening Alexa or in the Menu on the Start Button. He is also the man of Echo-Show-Geräten. Hier hätte ich mir eine und einfachere Navigation gewünscht.

An Amazon Echo Hub hangs from a wand.

Widgets are available on Amazon Echo Hub and nothing is done. (Photo: t3n)

There’s a lot: You can listen to music and shoot movies with the Echo Hub and a wealth of music. Akustisch is a large breed. Andere Echos increased the volume of the sound. In the best way, the best Setup is a product of Amazon-Lautsprecher as Audioquelle festzulegen – once again. There was a movie: A Folge Serie nebenbei in Küche laufen zu lassen, it happened tonight. The Blockbuster Movie is much better than Fernseher’s set. To stimulate the Echo Hub, it is necessary to touch the film very richly with a fingertip.


The Echo Hub has a price of 200 euros. Wer zu Hause nur wenige smarten Lampen hat ve es dabei belassen, cann sich die ausgabe oyunn. As a piece of music, it is great music for Echo-Lautpsprecher or -Bildschirm.

In autumn, it seems that the house is with Smart Home Gadgets. Query Echo Hub Übersicht und Einfache Steuerungsmöglichkeiten. Yes, there is nothing to lose the richness of the Echo Hub, but even if we are so smart and smart, everything will be fine. „Star Trek“-Feeling Gibt is free.

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