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Nasdaq continued, Dow sank: Geopolitics warned Wall Street

Nasdaq continued, Dow sank: Geopolitics warned Wall Street

Nasdaq continued, Dow sank
Wall Street’s Geopolitical Influence

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Entwicklungen in Ukraine-Krieg, sorgen to Wall Street for Unsicherheit. Handler is not doing well enough as Russia’s nerves are frayed. Sichere Häfen with Gold and Anleihen.

ABD-Börsen ensured that Dienstag became rich. Says Dow-Jones Index Schloss 0.3 reached 43,269 points. für den S&P-500 This is not more than 0.4, then Nasdaq-Composite um 1.0 Prozent Zulegte.

Die Anleger blieben angesichts von gestiegenen geopolitika Sorgen vorsichtig. The US-Ukraine wars over Ukraine, along with three Russian Munitions, were US President Joe Biden’s first wars over Ukraine’s first Russian Territorium. Russia has a strong track record with nuclear weapons, and it also has a much better understanding of and greater knowledge of nuclear weapons on a conventional terrain.

Gold in US Dollars Gold in US Dollars
Gold in US Dollars 2,636.72

It ensures that you don’t give away something like “Sichere Häfen” with Gold and Anleihen. Anleihemarkt sank with notierungen sent to Renditen. Be Rendite zehnjähriger Papiere There is a decrease between 2.4 Basispunkte and 4.39 Procent. Says goldpreis This is a price of $2,632 to 0.8 Prozent.

Be Ölpreise Watch out for changes that are never volatile. The price dropped due to Brent and WTI prices being more than 0.7. Marktteilnehmer Confirmed the Evaluation of Geopolitics.

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Nvidia Nvidia
Nvidia 139.14

As a new product from Nvidia, Impulse can be used as an Art Barometer for KI-Geschäft. Allerdings was among Wall Street’s top products for the first time, reaching the Markt in Donnerstag. Be Nvidia-Aktie gewann 4.9 Prozent.

I stood up Alphabet (+1.6). ABD-Behörden had Google’s best performance on offense. US-Justizmisterium will praise Antragsunterlagen in the Wall Street Journal Einblick regarding the restructuring of Google. The browser Chrome or browsers using the Android operating system for mobile phones do not have another version with a program that is not limited to such machines.

Nach dem bereits starken Kursanstieg am Vortag schnellten Super Micro Computer um weitere 31.2 Prozent nach oben. Presenter Presenters, Having a Best Insightful Plan, An Aktien Weiter und Nasdaq Gehandelt Werden können, Once Rechnungslegungsfristen Versäumt Worden Waren und Unternehmen den Rücken und Wirtschaftsprüfer Ernst & Young. gekehrt hat. Super Micro became a high-efficiency product as part of the 10-K Formblatt. BDO USA has a good relationship with Wirtschaftsprüfer.

Walmart Walmart
Walmart 81.58

Die Aktie von With a score of 24.2, it had a good partnership with Microsoft (+0.5), as well as Intelligenz (+0.5), which Microsoft offers with its Azure Platform. Symbolic School price up to 27.7. Hersteller von Robotik-Systemen tips its hat with Zahlen Geschrieben in Berichtsquartal and 19 Prozent Gesteigert of Umsatz.

For die Walmart-Actie 3.0 is Prozent. Konzern was created with a quarter for the next floor and a good start. Start your Weihnachtssaison profitably. US-Einzelhandler made Gewinn and Umsatz stronger and closer to Ausblick for Gesamtjahr. Dagegen verloren Lowe’s 4.6 Overall, a quarter of Umsatz and Gewinn come from Erwartungen. Zahlen can work for so long that Baumarkt cannot do anything else if Baumarkt is faced with a normal situation.

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