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Galt einst als Industrie-Hochburg: US-Metropol allocates more space to Geisterstadt

Galt einst als Industrie-Hochburg: US-Metropol allocates more space to Geisterstadt

Detroit is the best city in the Autostadt. Heute ist ist der US-Metropole davon jedenfalls nichts mehr zu spüren. Denn Detroit took a liking to a Geisterstadt and gave it to Elend.

At the US Bundesstat in Michigan, a Grenze from Canada is next to Seen in Detroit. I introduced Hochburg to Detroit industrially. I think Detroit-Spirit is getting better every day.

Auto-Metropole is due to be introduced at Bankrott in 2013. The best Stadtviertel in Detroit, as well as other Stadts in the USA, has a complete management regarding Menschen and Criminal Crime Rates.

Galt einst als Industrie-Hochburg: US-Metropol allocates more space to Geisterstadt

In 1902, mass production of Ford’s legendary model, Volkswagen America, took place. Später launched General Motors and “Motor City” boomed. Nothing but Einbruch: Automarkt means nothing more in Vorjahren with the arrival of Detroit.

Those with painful traffic are in Stadt in 2000 and at the same time with the Financial crisis, Metropole’s traffic in Detroit is very heavy. Stadt moved from Detroit to Rücken in later years – more than 1.8 Million people won, which turned out to be more than one and a half Million.

Schließlich has recently received the support of the advanced Autoindustrie to the Arbeitsplätze.

Verwaiste Häuser and hohe Kriminalitätsrate

Jedes dritte Haus in Detroit, a very good factory, a very good factory and Ecken – this is 400 Morde im, including extremely high Gewaltrate. In Brandstiftungen, Raubüberfälle or Körperverletzungshole Detroit und Tagesordnung.

The End of the Automotive Industry Is Not Where Detroit Was Ruined – and Wegbrechende Steuereinnahmen, Misswirtschaft, Drogen, Kriminalität or auch Kaputte Schulen. 35 Stadt’s highest practice and best practice – vor allem die Außenbezirke und wie ausgestorben. And now, this is a very important thing. Über 80 Prozent der Bevölkerung sind in Detroit heute schwarz.

Trendwende in Sicht?

This is something that has been going on for a while. This was an excerpt of 30 Prozents in one night, but was later supplemented with “nur” in 10 Prozents. Something introduced by a trend has completely disappeared. In Detroit the Miet-und Kaufpreise and jedenfalls are so severe that we were in a larger place in the USA-Stadt – we died in America overnight.

The advanced functions of Detroit’s Autoindustrie are not so easy. Detroit is a city that is one of the largest cities in the United States – it has a Lost Place that is both charming and beautiful. Genau visited Menschen in the US Metropolis in Bann.