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Trump and the “Tech Bros” die: Rechtsruck in Silicon Valley?

Trump and the “Tech Bros” die: Rechtsruck in Silicon Valley?

With Peter Thiel, PayPal-Mitgründer and Tech-Pionier, as well as JD Vance, you have the possibility to pay more. David Sacks had Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz make Millions in Trump Wahlkampf while depositing money into PayPal.

Techno-Optimism trifft Rechtspopulismus

The new Allianz, Tech-Elite and Trump are based on a new ideological foundation: Deregulation and free trade. Marc Andreessen dies extremely successfully in a Marxist “techno-optimistic Manifest”, with a modern Marxist approach and “Sozialismus”, which Bürokratie describes as Feindbilder. Stanford Professor Adrian Daub, Entwicklung analyst “Was sich verschoben hat, ist, dass die Rechten im Silicon Valley auftreten und sich auch mehr als Repräsentanten dieses Tals präsentieren”.

Are you talking about Silicon Valley?

Is your representative at Tech-Elite Rechtsruck? Different Differences Bild: A new era took place in the Silicon Valley Region between the 70s and 80s. As part of the Republic, it was possible to achieve this once again with a full policy. “Soweit links waren die nie”, ordnet Adrian Daub ein.

Grand Concerne at Kuschelkurs

This is a cross-over plot between “Tech-Bros” and a major Tech-Concert. Metas at Google, Apple or Wahlkampf are spent more by Democrats, CEOs come to Trump for free from Sieg – Drohungens with Klagen and others. Der Grund scheint klar: Niemand will be with a new Macht in Washington. Culture Camp in Silicon Valley started for the first time.