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Tipps Available for Help

Tipps Available for Help

“Das Weihnachtsfest an sich stellt meiner Meinung nach lediglich den Höhepunkt einer alljährlichen Einsamkeitschallenge für Betroffene dar”, sagt Chris Gust, Autorin des “Spiegel” – Bestseller “Feel to Heal: Wie deine Emotionen dir den Weg aus der mentalen Überlastung Define weisen und du Equilibrium wiederfindest” (mvg Verlag). I interview Coachin und Ehrenamtlichen Telefondienstes “Mutruf” Tipps in the newsletter, Einsamkeit in Weihnachtszeit umgehen kann.

Tell a story contained in my book “Feel the Healing” called “Einsamkeit, Isolation und Rückzug aus falscher Scham sind fatal und für viele Menschen an der Tagesordnung”. Go to Coaching and name your phone “Mutruf”. Can you reach an agreement by collaborating with someone?

Chris Gust: It’s a very important thing for me, every day is a good opportunity to become a better person. All the same, it has great potential, it has potentially good potential, which is a huge discrepanz zwischen unserbet schönen, stopgebenden, sozialen Contact und der Wirklichkeit. Nothing has been said, not much or more has been done, all this has a wider range of products, Grundbedürfnis nach Zugehörigkeit. Has there not been a war for groups of persons, in contact, without choosing anything in the Teufelskreis: Einsamkeit an sich oder die Punkte, die ihr Leben so erschweren, dass sie dadurch vereinsamt sind?

Looking for any tips on insulation and a good way to avoid problems?

Wind: Blowing, with a new male kennenzulernen, will cause an unknown situation to arise, Möglichkeiten and Wege zu finden. This can use Grüne to achieve a better result. Negative Erfahrungen, Verluste, erlebte Ablehnung o Schüchternheit sind nur einige Faktoren, die eine große Rolle dabei spielen können, dass Menschen sich gar nicht mehr trauen, auf andere zuzugehen. Mit zunehmendem Alter wird es noch schwieriger. Hinzukommt has a theme with a very big theme as a man: Gedanke, it is a very beautiful thing, but never, with all the others, a very wonderful, social networks Sindh.

Gibt es Personengruppen, die besonders gefährdet sind?

Wind: Sensitive Menschen, physically or psychologically Menschen Erkrankungen or überlastete Menschen -Stichwort Mental Load and Care Arbeitende – and most likely, you will encounter a lot of things. All these menstruations can be the best of Betreuung kleiner Kinder or Arbeit, such as “üblichen” Veranstaltungen or Angeboten, in contact with other people, often in relation to “nicht mithalten”. Schichtdiensten, zum Beispiel im Bereich Pflege. Zusätzlich haben diese Menschen lernen müssen, gesunde Grenzen für zu etablieren, um sich vor einer (erneuten) Überlastung zu schützen. We did as much as possible every day, much better and more often than not.

Intensively greened greens are often better or come back better.

An Weihnachten haben viele Menschen “heile Welt”-Erwartungen, es gilded Familienfest und Fest der Liebe. Does Weihnachten also apply to a human being?

Wind: Ja, diese Zeit ist besonders schwer für Menschen, die sich eigentlich genau diese Idylle beziehungsweise Zugehörigkeit wünschen. At the Weihnachtsfest I chose the best Meinung nach lediglich, one of the best challenges in the Höhepunkt. This combined very well with the “heile-Welt-Bildern” limit in the Vorweihnachtszeit, i.e. Weihnachts- und Adventsfeiern im Familien- und Freundeskreis, die romantisierte Stimmung, aber auch die Auswirkungen der dunklen Jahreszeit – da kommt einiges zusammen. This “heile Welt” is a very old illusion, first manifested mentally at a young age with a disturbing theme and nothing more.

Die Weihnachtszeit auch a Zeit des Stillstands, viele Vereine o gruppen pausieren. Welche Hilfen gives something once with Einsamkeit?

Wind: Es gibt sehr unterschiedliche Hilfen. Thanks to the Basic Information, one of the best methods that can be easily found is to reach Angebote in Gemeinde, Organizations, Versions and various Online-Netzwerk and Network Connections. There are many concretes produced by Schamfaktor and it is a huge success, but Menschen was very successful at first, um sie zu erfragen or nutzen.

Did you see the Basics along with Einsamkeit as a good thing?

Wind: The Basics is moving from Tatsache towards Akzeptanz, which is a beautiful thing. Gilded and herauszufinden, it was a very good Freude machen beschäftigung with möglicherweise aufgehen. Activate or get creative, it means something to you. You can use a Freude machine more than once. You can do things to interact with others or bring something. We are heartbroken, Freut sich die nahe gelegene Frühchen-Station sicher über über über ve fröhliche Minimützen und Socken, ich spreche da aus eigener Erfahrung. Ben Tierheim or other social organizations often helped and were much heavier. Über solche Wege kann es möglicherweise auch zu the latest social contacts. You can make new listens with Wohlfühl-Tipps, you can take them in your hand and use them to do something.

In this case, all experten-tipps für Wege aus der Einsamkeit. Welche Ratschläge, have you found the best?

Gust: Das Empfinden von Einsamkeit so individual, menschen selbst und dementsprechend unterscheidet sich auch, helfen kann. This was something that always worked, ist, die eigene Resilienz zu starken. So there is much more than the old Blick scheme: A day and a mentally Verfassung, a day, with a heart and an equally good idea, with a genügend bewegen – we are also Körperlich möglich ist, idealfall and frischen Luft . Wege and Techniken for something you find, as a whole, therefore, together with something else, to find the most suitable for me. And this can be a very useful thing, which is a start to having another machine called something very simple and something like that.

The best example of the Corona-Pandemic theme is better practice, as mentioned in the “Feel the Recovery” section. This is a study of a big problem. I made men so brave, was that a difficult task at all?

Wind: We are faced with a strong wind, we often encounter wind once again. This is not something that is inherently masculine, relates better to others, and is described descriptively as “Wert”. This is very nice, although also a “wrong laufen”, it is often the best Feinde and the great Kritiker. Das führt dazu, dass viele Menschen gar nicht zugeben, dass sie einsam sind. You have accomplished so much, in the best way possible. In der Folge sind zwar viele Menschen einsam, sie können einander aber nicht finden, weil Scheinwelten aufrechterhalten weil. Traurig or? It’s a fatal thing, dass Einsamkeit nicht nur “ein unschönes Gefühl” ist, sondern nachweislich crank machen kann.

The pandemic is facing the best and best consequences for themes, it is another, it is not something, it is not something, it is not a Gesellschaft and personally it is not thought by others and it is not a bad thing, we, It is very difficult, it is a very Unterstützung and/ or Gesellschaft braucht.

Einsamkeit verursacht gesundheitliche Probleme. Isolation with Department of Social Security in Other States. Will Brauchen be affiliated with an institution?

Wind: This is an Angebote as well as compatible with Kompetenznetzwerk Einsamkeit and other Organizations. Such a big man is actively working hard, and for many other men, damn it, there are a lot of people, and this is also very important. As an App, I was once able to use the best Schutz for me as soon as possible, taking advantage of a community specifically designed for a Community on Instagram. Live-Treffen in Hamburg hatten. Grundsätzlich in a community with another community for past gems to get more opportunities in online communication and online communication with Themes or Editors and other activities. Entsprechend gewachsenem Vertrauen echte Treffen stattfinden werden.

Would you like to receive therapeutic help at Anspruch zu nehmen?

Wind: I would like to receive therapeutic help in Anspruch nimmt, I would like to dive into the personal Leidensdruck ab. Having never done anything before, the best thing we found in any active or any situation was to do something for professional help. Although there is a lot, there is a lot more information and this gives a lot more time for Stigmatization with a Schwäche, which is a strategy and definitely a Grund.

"Feel the Healing" von Chris Gust in September 2024. (Image: mvg Verlag)"Feel the Healing" von Chris Gust in September 2024. (Image: mvg Verlag)

“Feel to Heal” by Chris Gust was released in September 2024. (Image: mvg Verlag)