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Brinkmann-Nachfolge Geklärt: Bertels übernimmt Paderborn II

Brinkmann-Nachfolge Geklärt: Bertels übernimmt Paderborn II

In the Paderborn Profile led by Daniel Brinkmann from the SCP Regional League Team, Thomas Bertels defeated FC Schalke 04 in the U-21 League.

Gelsenkirchen returned to Paderborn: Thomas Bertels played for the U-21 team.

Gelsenkirchen returned to Paderborn: Thomas Bertels played for the U-21 team.
IMAGO/Funke Photography Services

Mann made a new appearance in the West in the Regional League in the 22/23 season at SC Paderborn U 21 and signed a new Wirkungsstatte. In the battle for Gelsenkirchen, Thomas Bertels took the top position of 38-Jährige in the Ostwestfalen in the summer of 2023 as U 17 coach in Verantwortung. The SCP should replace Trainersuche in its 21st year and reach the Richtung Doctor Hansa Rostock as well as the Vorgänger Daniel Brinkmann in November.

Bertels played an absolute 150 games for Paderborn from 2011 to 2018. Anschließend is at the Nachwuchsleistungszentrum as Assistant Coach of the U-19. He is followed as coach of U 16 (2019-2022) and coach of U 21 (2022/2023).

“Eine optimale Lösung”

Sportliche Leiter Ayhan Tumani said: “Tommy has an ideal Lösung for the under-21s. There is an opportunity to make the most of SCP 07 and make the most of it for a long time”. The Assistant Trainer ensured that the Mannschaft performed better, with Janik Brosch having a better function.

In the rest of Schalke, Bertels to böses Blut: “Seine Entscheidung und die Rückkehr nach Paderborn, nachvollziehen uns respektieren diese ile können wir nachvollziehen uns respektieren diese”, i.e. Raffael Tonello, der Sportliche Leiter der Knappenschmiede. Bertels won SC Paderborn II in the Regional League West Rang 8. Erstmals, together with Rückkehrer, is considered the Sonntag of SV Rödinghausen’s Heimspiel.