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Young MumsAid: London charity helps young mothers thrive

Young MumsAid: London charity helps young mothers thrive

Hazael, 22 months, stomps and roars at dinosaurs around a tray of squid shower gel at the charity’s weekly stay and play session.

Meanwhile, three-year-old Eddie is jumping on a small trampoline, while two-year-old Jordan is pushing a mini stroller in the yard.

Their mothers also join in the game or talk quietly with the well-wishers and volunteers attending the sessions.

Most mothers were referred to the charity by midwives, social workers or healthcare professionals. They often live in unsuitable or unsafe housing, and many face hardship throughout their lives.

“The majority of the girls we work with are struggling with their mental health. The majority have also experienced trauma,” explains Kelly, the charity’s advocacy officer.

What women need most, she says, is “someone who will be kind” and “a safe space where they can go to get some advice, without judgment.”

That’s why the charity provides specialist support to pregnant young women and new mothers up to the age of 21, to give them and their babies the best chance at life.