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IAEA Decision: Bericht Loses Atomspuren in Iran

IAEA Decision: Bericht Loses Atomspuren in Iran


IAEA DecisionBericht saves Rätsel from Atomspuren in Iran

The IAEA will make a contribution to Iran’s Atomic Programme. Most nuclear weapons are blamed on a new nuclear weapon.

Simon Misteli

Simon Misteli

International Atomic Energy Chief Rafael Grossi Turned Iran’s Atomic Program into a Bericht. In a Decision, there is a very good decision as the Head of State of the IAEA. Iran’s Außenminister hatte zuvor vor diesem Schritt gewarnt.

Berichts’ Focus is selling unbeatably. Quick Access for Nuclear Weapons together with Anlagen and Aktivitäten hinweisen. IAEA-Inspektoren has received a significant amount of information from Iran. A new development took place in Iran and a decision was reached. As part of the Uranus Production, other investigations are also carried out in our country. This situation arises once again when you are faced with guilt.

Warnungen von beiden Seiten

Warning about Iran’s Medienberichten vorab, “A Decision is Coming and a Solution is Coming, dann Werden Wir Einen Anderen Weg Gehen”. Auch die IAEA from these lands. Falls Tehran once again visited Grossis Bericht as Grundlage as part of the UN Security Council. Während der Gouverneursrat keine Zwangsmaßnahmen durchsetzen kann, hätte der Sicherheitsrat die Möglichkeit, neue Sanktionen zu verhängen.

Iran’s best offer is to invest in the nuclear project. Official Doctrine did not side with Atomwaffen. Further warnings in Parliament later resulted in this haltung violating the right. Tehran will renew Gang’a Atomgespräche as an international Sanktionen.

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