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Review: Body Count – MERCILESS

Review: Body Count – MERCILESS

Horror scenarios with Gesellschaftskritiks about Ice-T and other Metal-Homies.

Herz: Wer hätte im BodyCount-Debütjahr 1992, damit gerechnet, dass Ice-T ve seine von der “Cop Killer”-Kontroverse geberelte Crossover-Band 32 years later Pink Floyd“Comfortably Numb” David Gilmour What is the cover of Gitarrengast? None of Ice’s tracks were on HipHop-Karriere – the newest album was a new album for comebacks with a new batch of albums.


Auf ihrem achten Album changes Body Count THE-WALL-Klassiker jedenfalls von einem Stück über Rockstar-Medikation zu einem Song über acute menschliche Tumbheit und Abgestumpftheit – ve machen die Nummer damit (fast) zu ihrer eigenen. These are Cannibal-Corpse-Frontmann George Fisher and Hilfe von (Death-)Metal-Mitstreitern, as well as large elements and Eigenmaterial, something that does nothing.

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You can bring them together by using social networks through social networks or by forcing them to do so.

Inspired by the Torture-Horror films Dystopian-Thriller-Reihe “The Purge” or the short-lived Pulverfass-Problematiken (“World War”), Ice-T combined Ernie Cs Schneidenden Riffs and a Rhythm Band. Nachbarschaft and damn Missstande in the USA. So with “Fuck What You Hear” there is a big LA-Siebziger-Bandenkrieg zwischen Crips and Bloods genauso between Democrats and Republicans with Fett weg weg in “Lying MF” losing their names notorische Lügner (die dessen ungeachtet erneut für eine Präsidentschaft kandidieren). Gnadenlos, fürwahr.

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