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Ukraine-Ticker: Putin made the most of the new Raketenschlag and droht weitere

Ukraine-Ticker: Putin made the most of the new Raketenschlag and droht weitere

Selenskyj Reacts to Russian Raketenschlag

23.37 Uhr: Ukraine’s prominent Wolodymyr Selenskyj has responded to Russian anger with a new Mittelstreckenrakete. “The deaths are an example of the UN Charter in Russia”Schrieb Selenskyj in social Netzwerken. “China, Brazil, the States of Europe, America, and all the other States of the world were so equal.”

Putin meets with Kiews Unterstützer

19.28 Uhr: Russian President Vladimir Putin has never been to Ukraine, but he faces numerous enemies in the West. “Wir sehen uns im Recht, unsere Waffen gegen militarische Objekte der Lander, die es zulassen, dass ihre Waffen gegen Objekte bei uns eingesetzt werden,” this appears in a video broadcast in Moscow.

“I move aggressively in the autumn and deal with entschieden spiegelbildlich handeln”, later. Der Kremlchef no longer has a status. Along with military production in the USA and Russia, there is also the Great Britain of Ukraine with its Reichweitenstarken Raketen.

Putin spoke Bezeichnung Oreschnik of Gefechtsbedingungen with a new Mittelstreckenrakete. Once again, we hit traffic at Dnipro’s big stadium in Angaben and Donnerstagmorgen.

Putin delivers a new Raketenschlag and an even better performance later

18.40 Uhr: Russian President Vladimir Putin has a temper fighting a new war in Ukraine as best he can. One video application is System Oreschnik. This is with Hyperschallgeschwindigkeit and there is nothing Kremlchef can provide. Ukraine hosts Dnipro in Großstadt, numerous Sprengköpfe in Donnerstagmorgen and Russian Rakete. Es seien keine nuclear weapons Sprengladungen gewesen, sagte Putin.

This is a description of a reaction found in the United States and other Western states of Ukraine and the Russian Territorium. “Wir haben mehrfach unterstrichen, dass der vom Westen provozierte Regionalconflikt in der Ukraine Elemente global Characters angenommen hat”, Putin right. Zugleich is Moskauer Antwort’s new system, with the US anchored in Europe and the Pacific.

More information for the Waffen: Jetzt macht Putin die Kriegskasse ganz weit auf

17.54 Uhr: The Russian Parliament had a Verteidigungsausgaben by a vote of 30 Prozent. The Duma’s top Haushaltsmittel reached a figure of 127 Billion Euros in military terms. Das entspricht einem Anteil von mehr als sechs of Bruttoinlandsprodukts.

40 Some information about the Russian Haushalts für Verteidigung and the national Sicherheit ausgegeben werden. The Duma is expected to have a new year from 2025 to 2027. We are now one of the best in the House of Parliament. Anschließende Absegnung during Vladimir Putin’s gilding of Formsache.

Russian Raketenangriff Verletzte with Selenskyjs Heimatstadt Krywyj Rih

12.13 Ah: Learn about the Russian Air Force in Greater Russia. 15 New Words to keep in mind. Neun Opfer should be on Telegram with Gebietsgouverneur Serhij Lyssak at Krankenhäuser. Cover a Rakete in a military operation. Etwa zehn Wohngebäude seien beschädigt worden. Die Angaben will never mean anything.

The attack on Krywyj Rih followed a massive Raketenangryff into Ukraine with Morgen. 600,000 Einwohnern stammt Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj with Aus der Industriestadt im Gebiet Dnipropetrowsk. We think Ukraine will face a Russian invasion.

Russia will be Storm-Shadow-Marschflugkörper abgefangen haben

10.48 Uhr: Russia won Marschflugkörper, part of Typ Storm Shadow, with a new Angaben zwei of Ukraine. This is the Verteidigungsministerium in Moskau mit. This was the first period of the Waffen in Russia before Great Britain at the beginning of the Kriegs.

Ukraine: Raketenbeschuss kostet Russia ran with 18 Billion US Dollars

10.25 Time: In 1000 Tagen started with a Billion US Dollars in Russia teaming up with Ukraine’s Raketen and Drohnen. Information Received from Svoboda’s Radio Transmitter and Information We Used to Obtain Information from the Ukrainian Luftwaffe. These resulted from Anzahl and cost, best provided by Geschosse and Experten-Schätzungen. Der offizielle Bericht sei aber geheim. Anton Geraschenko, a member of the Ukrainian Regierung, reached Zahlen via Kurznachrichtendienst X.

A sum of US$3.84 Billion for 13,000 Drohnen died in the Krieg bislang of the world’s highest income country. Für Angriffe mit Marschflugkörpern des Typs Kh-101 (Nato-Codename: Kodiak) for a cost of US$2.5 Billion.

Quickly, Russia is thought to have the biggest gainer with 10,000 rackets and Ukraine with 13,000 rackets, namely Geraschenko. Gesamtkosten: 18 Billion US Dollars.

Documents of Mass Defections in Putin’s Army

09.25 Uhr: Das Institute for the Study of War (ISW) actively analyzed the Escape and War Studies of the Civil Wars of the Russian Army. Grundlage hierfür ist ein Bericht des russischen Oppositionsmediums “Vazhnye Istorii” (iStories). International documents on Verteidigungsministeriums Documents in Russia. There are more than 1000 Soldaten deserts in April 2024.

Ursachen, however, did not make a lot of money, but it was by no means a good financial outcome, which was good value for money. This Problem was faced by the ISW with the Russian ultra-nationalist Kritik Militärblogger more widely and the Behandlung of Military Personnel during the Ministry of State Affairs.

ISW also learned about the Department of State’s grave ethical problems in its information system.

In Luftalarm Land: Putin fed Ukraine with “Kinschal”-Raketen and Tarnkappen-Bomben

Donnerstag, 21 November, 06.13 Uhr: In Ukraine, Morgen uses the best lands of Luftangriffs and Raketenalarm. Ben Gebiet Dnipropetrowsk, using a Russian Hyper Schallrakete of the “Kinschal” type, was requested by the Ukrainian Representative. Rakete has a Mig-31-Kampfjet. Genauere Angaben wurden zunächst nicht gemacht.

Kurz warned the Ukrainian Flugabwehr via the Telegram Platform about the entry of Ch-101-Marschflugkörper into another country. From a technical perspective, Flugkörper faced the Strategic Bombardment of Tu-95 Types on City Barriers in the best areas of Saratow. Weitere Angaben dazu lagen zunächst nicht vor.

Russen-Kommandeure combines Eroberung and Eroberung – later Competent Officer

22.20 Uhr: Russian Kommandeure in Ukraine, Vorgesetzten von Geländegewinnen since Geländegewinnen, die es nicht gab: Nun wurden sie deswegen offenbar festgenommen. Militärblogger was enriched by the Telegram channel “Rybar”.

The Eroberung mehrerer Ortschaften in the Richtung der Stadt Sewersk in Donezk Region is supposed to be better than the Kommandeure. Dazu sollen Serebrjanka, Hryhoriwka und Bilohoriwka zählen. Die Täuschung helps Bericht become even richer and also serves as an inspiring Ortschaften office. It was not with Kommandeuren passiert, ist derzeit unklar.

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