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Absurde Art Auction – 6.2 Million Dollars for a Wand Banana – Culture

Absurde Art Auction – 6.2 Million Dollars for a Wand Banana – Culture

Kein Scherz: Maurizio Cattelan’s “Comedian” did something under Hammer with Banane and Tape for $6.2 Million.

Was it Passierte with Works of Art? Bananen-Installation is Maurizio Cattelan’s Concept Künstler Werk and is a work called “Comedian”. This is best with a Banana, died with a Wand with a 1.6 Meter Klebeband. Chinese Cryptocurrency purchased by Sotheby’s Auktionshaus for 6.2 Million US Dollars (5.5 Million Francs) in New York Banane and Klebeband was purchased by Justin Sun. This bought a Schätzpreis from Werk for $1 to $1.5 Million. Justin Sun got the idea for Banane and Klebeband with a certificate. Denn: A remaster of Banane at the Art Museum – and comes with various locations from Museumsgästen.

What are Ancient Artworks? Italian Künstleri Maurizio Cattelan held an exhibition at the 2019 fair Art Basel in Miami. The Cost of the Artworks is $120,000 (104,000 Schweizer Franken) along with the title “Comedian”. Das Kunstwerk is available at dreifacher Ausführung.

Welches Aufsehen hat “Comedian” Is it wrong? Lange überlebte die Banane and der Wand nicht. US American Aktionskünstler David Datuna, Wand Verkauf and donkey sie gleich nach sie gleich nach. There was a trip a few years ago to a museum in Südkorea: An Art Student nahm die Frucht von der Wand, schälte und ass sie. Wenigstens thinks Bananenschale is better.

Gab es Ärger dem aperitif? Maurizio Cattelan said that Banane did not make any gestures as Znüni Gesehen and Gegessen Wurde. Doch ungefähr so ​​wie beim Schiff des Theseus A man who is part of Bananen-Kunstwerk: Is this something new, Wenn Teile davon ausgetauscht wenn? The rest of the imprints, it all depends on me or others. So Identity Trailer in Banane’s Fall: Art and Artwork is also an ideal idea as a fruit.

Zwei Personen took photos of Banane and Wand.

Banane and Wand battled a camera at Art Basel Miami 2019. Damn, he must be so happy, he should buy a new one of both.

Getty Images/Cindy Ord

Was it Maurizio Cattelan? Starkünstler Maurizio Cattelan is called extremely provocative, a good Geld decision for sculptures and installations. Dazu zählen Werke wie «La Nona Hora» (“Die neunte Stunde”, 1999), eine Figur von Papst Johannes Paul II., der von einem Meteoriten getroffen wird oder «Him» («Er», 2001), eine kindliche, kniende Hitler-Figure. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum has a list of the best toilets among the WC-Muschel in 18-carat Gold in 2016 and an exhibition at Blenheim Palace in 2019. Cattelan, different versions of a work of art and a ridiculous Augenzwinkern zu fuhren.

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Dieser Artikel will be published for the first time in October 2024 and will present an auction report current.

Radio SRF 2 Kultur, Kultur-Nachrichten, 21.11.2024, 8:00 Uhr.