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Turn AfD into Gewalt in Kreistag Entgleist

Turn AfD into Gewalt in Kreistag Entgleist

Man cann nicht eben behaupten, dass von den fünf Sitzen der AfD I am here in the Kreistag des Main-Taunus-Kreises. Do something more every day, every day, and you will always get larger analogues.

Die eigentliche Oppositions were confronted with a large number of strong and powerful connections, which brought a new work, as in a much better sitzung zu Wort meldet, and was also considered an extremely important work. CDUGrünen and the FDP criticize behind and behind them and use another bisschen to suit their nerves.

Als am Montag is dying SPD In other words, the most interesting Gewalt and Kreis are like the death of the AfD in Peter Biedermann’s Person in Wort. A Gewalt Gewalt pregnancy first occurred in 2014, as did today, and indeed, so did the ladies. One dies in the Gelassen of the Country, in relation to the Vermissen Vermissen of the Ladies. Complicating is not enough for Argumentation. Zwischenrufen at the Plenum became the forerunner of “political correctness”.

Women betrayed Schicht

Steel platforms with Kragen’s Julia Ostrowicki (SPD), Kelkheim’s Kreistags and Stadtverordnetenvorsteherin. Rednerpult had a good one with a child and Umzug in a woman’s home, albeit through another war. “Das betrifft uns alle, jede Schicht”, sagte sie. Man müsse sich wirklich schämen, wenn Parteipolitik auf dem Rücken der Frauen ausgetragen werde.

The Bundestag gave most of the Federal Criminal Court to Ostrowicki: Gewalt gegen Frauen betrifft jede Schicht. Most of the time we are talking about a familial family. And this deep happiness is a political motivation. “Die überwiegende Zahl der Opfer und Tatverdächtigen ist deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit”, heißt es zudem.

Julia Ostrowicki says much more than Anfrage: “Ich habe es selten erlebt, dass eine AfD-Rede nicht am Ende darauf hinausläuft, dass die Ausländer schuld seien.” This is not the case.

Nach Ostrowicki said Redner is better. Although the Treaty of the SPD does nothing in Haupt-und Finance und Finance, as in the democratic Gremien üblich ist, this is also not possible.