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Kanzler Scholz Interview – ZDFheute

Kanzler Scholz Interview – ZDFheute

Bundeskanzler Scholz found Gipfeltreffen from 20 industries and businesses in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Each of Ampel-Aus is one of a kind, providing a comeback in a sense. This situation of the SPD, the Kanzlerkandidat candidate of the night, is nothing new.

The end of G20-Gipels fell to the 1000 tag of Ukraine-Kriegs. Central United States acts together with Freigabe in Ukraine, visits ATACMS-Raketen and some countries of Russia. Der Kanzler did something in Taurus-Marschflugkörper zu liefern. This happened as Reichweite moved closer to ATACMS Raketen.

My interview is Diana Zimmermann Scholz of the ZDF-Hauptstadtstudiooleiterin from the Ergebnissen in the G20-Gipfels, the New Einschätzungen and Frage from Ukraine-Krieg, part of the first Kanzlerkandidat.

Mit Material von dpa, epd, Reuters and ZDF