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Schweden to manage Anteile and Northvolt • news • opinions

Schweden to manage Anteile and Northvolt • news • opinions

Stockholm (Reuters) – Die schwedische Regierung bleibt bei hrer Position ve will keine Anteile des angeschlagenen Batteriezell-Herstellers Northvolt übernehmen.

This was the Dienstag of the Ministry of Energy and Wirtschafts, directed by Ebba Busch, by Nachrichtenagenur of Reuters. We know that the Minister of the Ministry, Ulf Kristersson, did a very good thing, since the Regierung in Stockholm was not at all a good thing, but another was not. Minister Busch says: “The very large investment in the first Wandel in Schweden is such a huge investment that little or no project Northvolt has been built.” Zugleich concrete comes from Bedeutung von Northvolt in international Wettbewerb.

“Northvolt is part of Schweden and the European Union, a country located in an Art Industry Camp in China and a State Staaten.” The Northvolt is gilded on the Batteriezell-Hoffnungsträger in Europe, so is the Gegengewicht, one of Asia’s largest ships. Volkswagen is a large Anteilseigner that also includes the US Investment Bank Goldman Sachs and BMW. These Unternehmen have no knowledge and skills regarding quality issues and Verzögerungen. In June, I sold a BMW with a volume of one million Euros. With the renewal of the Northern Voltage it acquired the Mitarbeiter entlassen, Tochtergesellschaften verkauft and Ausbaupläne eingedampft.

(Reproduced from Bericht von Simon Johnson, Geschrieben von Elke Ahlswede, Kerstin Dörr. Bei Rückfragen, unsere Redaktion’ under [email protected] (for Politics and Konjunktur) or [email protected] (formerly Unternehmen) He bit me and Märkte).)