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Air conditioning skeptic Chris Wright sells the Department of Energy

Air conditioning skeptic Chris Wright sells the Department of Energy

The US-Justismisterium acts together with Iran and the Ermordung of the Republicans, Donald Trump. According to FBI Director Christopher Wray, “Much greater knowledge than Iran, US-Bürger has a new vision conceived by Donald Trump”.

Security of the Bundespolizei The FBI’s attack on Afghanistan with a 51-Jähriger from Iran caused the US President in Iran to come face to face with a very good Trump Plan. and umzusetzen. Aussagen Schätzen die Ermittler is also stunning.

Trump’s Wahlkampfteam reported from the US-Geheimdienst regarding the “real and konkrete Bedrohungen in Iran, ihn zu emorden”.

US Justice brought together 51-Jährigen and two large Anklage – a plan and another plan for a Critique of the Iranian Regime every day. Gegen die Männer wurden Haftbefehle ausgestellt.

“Es gibt nur wenige Akteure in der Welt, die eine so grosse Bedrohung für die die national Sicherheit der Vereinigten Staaten darstellen wie der der Welt,” US Attorney General Merrick Garland warned. «The Version of the Iranian Regimes, the American People and the National Sicherheit Amerikas zu gefährden, nicht hinnehmen.»

Donald Trump’s war, the US President with Iran started a new war with the Atomic bomb, which caused the Iranian Revolutionary Garden to become a new country with the Terrorist Organization. 2020 originates from the US military under Trump’s command, Iranian General Ghassem Soleimani with a Drohnenangriff at the Iraqi Hauptstadt in Baghdad. (dpa)