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Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 patch adds new weapons and makes them a ton more powerful

Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 patch adds new weapons and makes them a ton more powerful

The one thing you have to remember about the Warhammer 40k universe is that exaggeration is the default. Every single species, character, and faction is incredibly over the top, and that goes for the weapons too. In a new update for Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2a new weapon has been added, and it’s no surprise to learn that it’s as over-the-top as the ten-foot-tall, genetically modified super soldier who wields it.

The new Neo-Volkite Pistol works very similarly to another famous weapon that fans of the Halo series may remember. It’s basically a heat-based Needler. Inside Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 You fire a beam of energy at an enemy, dealing some light damage until you reach a threshold. Once hit, things go very wrong very quickly for the target. As with everything Best Warhammer 40k gamesChaos quickly ensues as an explosion ripples out from the enemy, damaging everything around and most likely killing your enemy. It probably won’t become your primary weapon anytime soon, but it’ll definitely add a big bang to your arsenal when you choose to deploy it.

In addition to the new weapon, the 4.5 update also buffed many of the primary weapons in Operations mode. The Plasma Incinerator now produces less heat, meaning you can fire it more often. The Bolt Sniper Rifle now has increased fire rate and deals more damage on headshots, along with the Occulus Bolt Carbine, which gains scope. Bolt Carabine (SMG) now deals significantly more damage up close and Auto Bolt Rifle’s maximum ammo has been increased.

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You’ll also find several bug fixes in the 4.5 update that deal with perks not triggering when killing enemies, some Sniper class issues, and a few other issues. Crashes, stability, and connectivity have also been improved, so if you’re diving in after this patch, you’ll have a smoother time in Space Marine 2.

Update 4.5 for Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 is out. If you want a full understanding of what’s new, patch notes should enlighten you with the holy light of God, Emperor of Mankind.

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