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Out of the box: Schöner schenken mit den exklusiven Geschenksets von Rituals

Out of the box: Schöner schenken mit den exklusiven Geschenksets von Rituals

Der Himmel, 12 Sternbilder, das Jahr mit seinen 12 Monaten, die Zahl 12 ass Symbiose der Wünsche nach Selbstbestimmung und Verbundenheit: Dass Rituals Cosmetics in one day special Geschenksets Genau 12 unverzichtbare, leistungsstarke Products gepackt hat, die die tägliche Pflegeroutine zum genussvollen As part of the Relax-Moment, all at Zufall.

Inside the decorative box, as the best Advent Calendar, the Bestseller icon of HOMME Pflegelinie for Körperpflege and Zuhause comes with products enriched with aftershave gel, new perfume and original products. Therefore, in no time there were less than 12 minutes remaining, prompting Pflegeroutine to restart.

The Perfection of Men and Moments

HOMME has a luxury product box, an excellent range with innovative formulas and versatile products, a body lotion with natural ingredients, Peeling and Anti-Aging Cream, a larger range from Rasierschaum and Bartöl. You can find a fully comprehensive care range for a better care session. A design product with rituals, it is characteristic of the brand and has become a product specialized in packaging with a better texture and style.

HOMME Kollektion, Männerpflege at the new Level – with simple formulas and innovative Wirkstoff complexes, genau for dermatological benefits and the latest was Männerhaut braucht. Von Kopf bis Fuß was a very effective new routine, with Linie Gesicht, Körper and Bart all performing. Kraft Rituals from Nature: Combined with Vitamin E, C and B3, Peptidene, Ginseng, Arganol and Aloe vera.

Features for All Rituals Products: Exclusive Duftcompositions. HOMME Kollektion is designed for a Kickstart for a Gefühl and Morgen, with a mask gun and soft texture.

Als duftendes Geschenk für bereits best gepflegte Herren hat Rituals das Car Gift Set As a Car Perfume, Renewing Perfumes are planted in Innenraum Spray for the comfort of passengers. Kraftvollen Amber aroma and holzigem Moschus machen jede Fahrt zum Dufterlebnis.

Neue Energie für Körper, Geist und Seele

Along with HOMME Pflegelinie throughout the Sports Collection, you can mix Zitrusfrüchten, Bergamotte and Pfefferminze to recreate it for a new activation. Start with the tag ranking – a Strength Boost at Morgen or a perfect performance during a Workout.

For small sets and practical products, very special large boxes, summaries with photos and further information and further information: Rituals and sets for every day and every day. So schön (und) einfach kann Schenken sein!

More Information About Geschenksetlersays HOMME Collection sowie allen anderen Rituals Products