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The Sprüngli-Café am Paradeplatz also requires Renovierung wieder

The Sprüngli-Café am Paradeplatz also requires Renovierung wieder

Der Raum vom Sprüngli-Lokal am Paradeplatz carries a great burden and burden.

Der Raum vom Sprüngli-Lokal am Paradeplatz carries a great burden and burden.


A long time ago Monate Monate old stock desk Sprüngli-Hauses am Paradeplatz was renovated: the first Umbau in 1961. Heute is the starting point for the Weihnachtsbeleuchtung “Lucy”. traditions Cafe and Restaurant Better.

Zürich, Bahnhofstrasse Number 21. Das Sprüngli-Haus am Paradeplatz is located near the Einkaufsstrasse der Schweiz, has a Haus genauso gerneen Besuch as Prominente, Touristen, Stadtzürcherinnen und Stammgäste. Have a hot Tagen, like Luxemburgers and brioche, with local produce from old stock, better business labels. According to Birchermüesli genessen, this legend is the Club-Sandwich and Cappuccino with Sprüngli-Schriftzug.

Holzvitrinen, Spiegeln und Goldrahmen, dunklen Bistrotischen und -Stühlen, one of Raum’s best dishes. Respecting Tradition, Something In Stock Since 1961. It all happened one day in Eindruck, which made the Kundschaft a good thing. So is the Zeitgeist treffen as part of the traditions and a Komplett-Modernisierung of the Sprüngli-Café and the Paradeplatz. No Monaten Umbau made Lokal perform better. Patina is dead. I will use Vermissen.

monday and evening

In Treppenaufgang, with the vertical Schmalen combination of the Spiegel-Bahnen, the return of the Eichenholzvertäfelungen Spiegeln and the golden Akzenten, a new modern, an old Eindruck. One wants to have a beautiful contrast in a Luxus Boutique – a more beautiful contrast and all very attractive, but also a new style that better reflects the identity of the houses. Der Aufgang lenkt den Blick at Café. Let a great Raum be in a warm Licht, that too Gäste willkommen.

There is an Aufstieg in a Luxusboutique.

There is an Aufstieg in a Luxusboutique.


This was made possible with the help of CEO Tomas Prenosil. The Raum is larger and carries more payload, making it more compact and providing better seating space. Griff Architekt Nikolas Travasaros von Divercity Architects in other London alternative Tricks: Fenster has a feature that echoes Innen and Aussen and Gefühl von Weite. Spiegelwände, which has Raum’s best optics and reflections, was last in Raum’s hell. Fenster performed much better at the Blick on Paradeplatz, where a theater building is located in a theater.

Hell and einladend are located in the new Sprüngli-Lokal at Paradeplatz.

Hell and einladend are located in the new Sprüngli-Lokal at Paradeplatz.


Ravasalos has another clear product and material practice: Spiegel, Holz and Gold Elements have led to further expansion of Architekt and an immediate contribution to the restaurant-rich materials believed to be Marmor and Samt. Warm Light and Farbens – with orange Polsterstühle, Barhocker and dark Lederpolstern and off-white farbene Marmor-Bartresen – with a more contrasting, beautiful Café with guerillten Wandverkleidung.

The decoration is minimalist and much more. Frische Blumen, small, Tischen and Künstler is a golden work of art that François Berthoud turned into a world-class work of art. Stammgästen, full of Einrichtungs details, more famous or inspiring: Dazu gehören etwa die Deckenleuchten dies in Kugelform et al. Since the 1930s, Wanduhren stammen aus den overnight at the Zeit, the oldest legend of the Sprüngli-Haus and Paradeplatz.

Architect Nicola Ravasalos combined the materials Italian Palissandro-Marmor with Holz and gold Metal-Elements.

Architect Nicola Ravasalos combined the materials Italian Palissandro-Marmor with Holz and gold Metal-Elements.


Von Zurückhaltung kann kaum die sein; Adam Erkennt die Räumlichkeit, die ursprünglich 1859, überraschenderweise nicht unter Denkmalschutz steht, kaum mehr. Und doch zeigt die die Renovation, die über zwei Jahre Planung in Anspruch nahm, dass der Spagat zwischen Tradition und Moderne durchaus möglich ist.

Die Luxemburgerli new erfunden

In the Küche castle there is this: Sale of Blätterteig-Pastetli or Sprüngli-Clubsandwich next to Chefkoch Patrick Senn in the New Lunch-Karte. Ebenso fares better in artistic pastry and Torten und Truffes du Jour in der Vitrine. The Focus of All-Day-Dining led the Senn Team to consider a Mittagskarte getüftelt. Classics found new Kreationen with Appenzeller Entenbrust, Portweinsauce or Short Ribs of Crust with Blumenkohl-Tempura and Tamarinden-Mango-Sauce.

Luxemburger and Flute? We haven't touched on Patrick Senn's new creation yet.

Luxembourgish and flute player? We haven’t touched on Patrick Senn’s new creation yet.


Experimenter freudig zeigt man sich in Königsdisziplin from Luxemburgerli: Luftig-leichten Makrönchen with Himbeere, Vanille or Pistazie, nun in Apéro-Variante – herzhaft translator. Senn paart Pistazie with a Creme aus Roquefort and Quitten, Himbeere mit Meerrettich and Randen and die Vanille-Makarönchen a Füllung aus Trüffel and Madeira. Französischen With croissants, herzhaft or suss belegt werden, steigt das Traditionshaus gar currently current “Shattered”-Trend.