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Wolfsburg transferred Ehrenbürger Manfred Kolbe

Wolfsburg transferred Ehrenbürger Manfred Kolbe

Stadtplakettenträger in Gold and Wolfsburger Ehrenbürger, Manfred Kolbe has been Alter for 90 years. Family, Arbeit and Politik make the best use of a Mitteilung of Wolfsburg in Wyken. At the same time, a high level of participation and good training for the City Gemeinschaft of Wolfsburg received Manfred Kolbe from the Stadtbild and a city from Stellen. In the 38th Mitgliedschaft in the Rat der Stadt, after a year as a member of the Bürgermeister, he was engaged with the hero Weise for the Belange of Wolfsburg and the Bürgern Stadt.

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“Mittiefer Trauer nehmen wir Abschied von Manfred Kolbe, der am 14. November verstorben ist. Er hat sich in seiner activaten Zeit als Ratsherr und Bürgermeister auf der politischen Bühne große Anerkennung erworben. Fine arts and new generation participation are not common at all anymore. Manfred Kolbe, known as “Familie” It is known that he has a family and is with “Oberbürgermeister Dennis Weilmann”.

Kolbe wurde 1934 in Breslau and 1956 in Wolfsburg

Manfred Kolbe in 1934 in Breslau (Schlesien), einer damals noch katholischen Provinz Preußens. Manfred Kolbe and Wolfsburg in 1956. There is a battle with Lehrer and Schulleiter at the Wolfsburg Eichendorffschule. In the CDU he was 55 and in Ratsherr he was 38, and in the Bürgermeister he was 38.

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Therefore, from 1998 to 2013 there have been numerous engagement campaigns since 2006, Seniorenring leitete with Bürgerstiftung and more ehrenamtliche Aufgaben erfüllte. 2006 was at the Stadtplakette in Gold. Released in Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bundesverdienstkreuz 1st Class in 2010 and Stadt Wolfsburg in Ehrenbürgerwürde in November 2007.

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