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Michael Kinzer appointed as new Director by Pro Helvetia

Michael Kinzer appointed as new Director by Pro Helvetia

New Meldungen from Feuilleton.

Michael Kinzer appointed as new Director by Pro Helvetia

Michael Kinzer took part in the July 2025 Pro Helvetia.

Michael Kinzer took part in the July 2025 Pro Helvetia.

federal studio / PD

Hazel. Die Schweizer Kulturstiftung Pro Helvetia, 1. Developed by Michael Kinzer in July 2025. The following is the case at Stiftung am Mittwoch (20.11.) mit. Kinzer begins July 1, 2025.

In 1972 Kinzer won the Lausanne City Culture and in 2017 became Co-President of the Stadtekonferenz Culture. We were at the Cité Festival in Lausanne from 2009 to 2015. Zudem war takes part in juries and cultural commissions at regional and national levels. A. als Vorsitzender der Eidgenössischen Jury für Musik.

Kunstmagazin «Monopol» kurdish Florentina Holzinger zur einflussreichsten Künstlerin 2024

Florentina Holzinger after Festwochen in Vienna

After the Festwochen in Vienna, she took part in the Florentina Holzinger “Sancta” Oper.

(dpa) Das Kunstmagazin «Monopol» made the Österreichische Choreographer Florentina Holzinger part of the Künstlerin des Jahres. «Ihr Werk hat eine visual and emotional Wucht, die niemanden kaltlässt und die im Kunstbetrieb in ihrer Konsequenz gerade ihresgleichen sucht», urteilt das Magazin in seiner Dezemberausgabe, die am Freitag erscheint.

This is Something 100 Artistic People Influenced. Holzinger, die schon mehrfach an der Berliner Volksbühne inszeniert hat (“Ophelia Has Talents”) is Bühnenstücke et arbeitet with a broad perspective, with a new Frauen community.

“Sie eskit grösser und freier, als es viele im klassischen Kunstbetrieb tun, und zeigt keinerlei Furcht vor Pathos und Spektakel”, der Begründung “Monopol” schreibt. The opera performance “Sancta” in Stuttgart is provocative.

Zweiten Platz took over the Französische Hauptstadt Magazin. Paris has a special Sammlungen, Hochkarätige Museumstellungen and Art Art Basel are located in Paris’s Centers of Interest. “Die Kunstwelt hat eine alte neue europäische Hauptstadt.”

The empty Platz of the Israeli Künsts in Yael Bartana died in the Deutschen Pavillon at the Art Biennale in Venice. You can make Big Movies and Projects better, you can make fine arts and politics with a better Password.

Charles Dumont’s quote to Denkmal from Édith Piaf: “No, I have no regrets” – that was 95 years ago.

Componist Charles Dumont works with Sangerin Edith Piaf.

Componist Charles Dumont works with Sangerin Edith Piaf.

Imago/Luc Fournol

zine. Das Lied “Non, je unfortunately rien” (Nein, ich bedaure nichts), Inbegriff Édith Piafs und des französischen Chansons. Charles Dumont hates 1960 komponiert. This is a musical group featuring France’s finest Barbra Streisand and Dalida, teamed up with new AFP partner Alter at the 95-year-old Montag.

“Ich durfte mithelfen, eine Legende zu schaffen”, Charles Dumont said in an interview with the “Süddeutschen Zeitung”. Dumont War 31 Years of new and unexpected Music, just as Composer Edith Piaf has made the Composition even better. Our first meeting with Piaf is over. Dumont facilitated Weltstar’s false discovery and return, which turned out to be a lie. Dumont is a very good play and another Mal. «Sie bat mich, es ein drittes Mal zu spielen, was ich auch tat ve ihre Stimmung änderte sich. Sie mich anders an.”

«Non, Je ne No Regrets», verkaufte sich 800000 Mal, sieben Wochen lang an der Spitze der Französischen Charts. Die Lyrics by Michel Vaucaire. Dumont had a 30-week komponiere for Piaf before the 48-year-old star in 1963. Later, Karriere found Dumont at the Bühne as well as at the Paris Konzerthalle Olympia. This allows you to do something better later. Französische Kulturministerin Rachida Dati würdigte Dumont also in “Urgestein des Französischen Chansons”.

Bee Gees’ Ehemaliger Schlagzeuger

Drummer Colin Peterson with Bee Gees: Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb, Maurice Gibb.

Drummer Colin Peterson with Bee Gees: Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb, Maurice Gibb.

Chris Walter/WireImage/Getty

(dpa) The Bee Gees’ Schlagzeuger, Colin Petersen, that’s it. Australia’s Musiker Makes a Change at 78, Was Britain’s Best PA In the 1960s the Petersen war also affected Great Britain, including Brüdern Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb.

Colin Petersen performed the Bee-Gees-Hits’ “I Started a Joke”, “To Love Someone” and “Massachusetts” by Schlagzeug. He worked with many musical groups such as “Bee Gees 1st” (1967) and “Idea” (1968) and achieved a lot regarding Songwriting. 1969 Verliss is Gruppe.

Australian Petersen became part of the PA Tribute Show called “Best Of The Bee Gees” with a film called “Smiley”. I did a demonstration demonstration and took Montagmorgen around at Schlaf.

The Bee Gees were warned by Gibb-Brüdern’s words. Songs like “How Can You Mend a Broken Heart”, “Too Much Heaven” and “Staying Alive” allow the band to outperform Welterfolge. One day, Brüdern approached Barry Gibb.

Zuletzt fought Marilyn Manson with the Gerichtsverfahren in Medien. Jetzt Veröffentlicht Er New Music

Manson faced a new contraindication. Die Missbrauchsvorwürfe der welgangenen Jahre waren aine Zäsur.

Manson faced a new contraindication. Die Missbrauchsvorwürfe der welgangenen Jahre waren aine Zäsur.

Danny E. Martindale / Getty Images Europe

(dpa) American rock star Marilyn Manson has come together with a new album. “An Assassination Under God – Part 1” appears as a new project for the first time and its name is changed to a newer project. «Kapitel eins» nunfasst nun Songs, deren title und typical Manson-Themen kreisen: Tod, Religion und Berühmtheit.

In August, I released Marilyn Manson’s single “As Sick As The Secrets Within”; Use Rocktitel über Control and Verlangen once. Das Lied was a personal person who shared a post on Instagram at 55-Jährige. “Ich bin stolz, meine Kunst und Vision mit euch teilen zu können.”

In other words, Manson has a war with his musical soul. Schlagzeilen machten in der Zeits Prozesse in Gerichtsprozesse: 2021, with Schauspielerin Evan Rachel Wood, Beziehung psychisch und sexuell missbraucht zu haben. Weitere Frauen brachten daraufhin of Vorwürfe or Klagen gegen den Sänger vor.

Einige dieser Gerichtsverfahren wurden mittlerweile beigelegt, andere laufen noch. Brian Warner was a great musical theft, a well-written piece of music at its finest. There is something that brings together the old Verlobte Wood and another beautiful woman. Klage left much of the music world behind as part of Medienberichten Berufung.

Manson faced a new contraindication. Die Missbrauchsvorwürfe waren jedoch eine Zäsur. New Manager Tony Ciulla took over the helm of the Label. I think Frühjahr is a great success, showing that Manson labels the nuclear explosion.

Seiner zweiten neuen In the single Manson sang “It’s time to beat up the bullies / And clear the target off my back” in his song “Raise the Red Flag”. Unfortunately, it is a very bad situation and a negative situation is a very bad thing. Der Sänger has become an old album with an old album. New Label and Management adapted for Deutsche Presse-Agentur nicht zu erreichen.

The new album comes as Manson embarks on a European tour in February. Rocker’s Comeback Is Dead: August and September, I’m in the Group Five Fingers Death Punch on the Nordamerica Tour. Es war Mansons ex Tournee seit 2019.