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Refund: Get a refund and enjoy 20% reserve

Refund: Get a refund and enjoy 20% reserve

Cashback from Alltag in the United States is no longer so de facto in Germany. Do you have this function?


Here’s the article

Ron Perduss

Draufzahlen wegen Wohnkostenlücke: ARCHIV - 27.12.2016, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart: ILLUSTRATION - Geldscheine im Wert von zehn, zwanzig und fünfzig Euro in a Geldbörse. (zu dpa: «Grün-schwarze Regierung einigt sich auf Doppelhaushalt») Photo: Lino Mirgeler/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

Was it cashback and a shopping spree?

Lino Mirgeler/dpa

Is there a cashback feature?

Cashback is provided by “Revenue” and with the purchase of the Zip a payment offer of up to Einkauf and a gift package from Kunden is offered. Rückerstattung provides a dedicated Cashback Portal and the possibility of cooperation between other Portals and Online Shops and allows you to earn money through a Provision via a Site or Application. Create a Payment Portal and use Kunden Weiter and that is Cashback.