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Globaler Wasservorrat ist ani geschrumpft – Seen, Flüssen und Grundwasser sackten 2014 Süßwasser-Reserven simple ab – und erholten sich nicht mehr

Globaler Wasservorrat ist ani geschrumpft – Seen, Flüssen und Grundwasser sackten 2014 Süßwasser-Reserven simple ab – und erholten sich nicht mehr

Untimely Alarm Alarm: In 2014 there was a sudden drop and the satellite data did not change at all. The period of service valid for the period of validity is Art. Alle Seen, Flüsse and Grundwasserreservoire zusammen operated the 1,200 Cubickilometer Weniger Wasser normally throughout the night. Setzt sich dies forfort, he can make a new one, warn the team for a new regime.

Der Kreislauf von Verdunstung und Niederschlag ran irdischen Wasserkreislauf und stopped Gleichgewicht. Let mankind strengthen this balance even further – during the Grundwasserreservoire and Gewässer, during the Böden Versiegelung der, and during the anthropogenic Veränderung des Klimas. Als Folge preferred Weltweite Verdunstung um zehn Prozent zugenommen, in asia Wüsten vor ve selbst im eigentlich wasserreichen Deutschland sind die Grundwasserspiegel gesunken.

The GRACE and GRACE-FO Mission satellites were based in Schwerefeld, Switzerland, and were later deployed to Ireland. © NASA/JPL-Caltech

Below Global 22 Millimeter Soll

Lots of satellite data being broadcast Problem: In late 2014 the server suddenly went down and nothing happened. A distance of either 22 Millimeter Pegel or 1,200 Cubic kilometers was run on terrestrial terrains such as Seen, Flüssen and Grundwasser, and the long distance best was achieved by Matthew Rodell and a team at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.

Entdeckt, suddenly die Forschenden from Wasserverlust, also GRACE Data and GRACE-FO-Tasks We allowed 20 years of analysis. These satellites can be sent to Schwerefeld, Ireland, where Atmospheric Suspension can be carried out, as well as other aircraft at Seen, Flüssen and Grundwasser on the Continent. More information about Team Vergleichsdaten has been added to the satellite with the new hydrological system model.

Es Süda started in America

After a day, server passion suddenly decreased El Niño im Jahr 2014 has started. Diese bis Anfang 2016 et al Air Conditioning Anomaly in the Pacific for a one-time period in South America. “Sie war das extremste Dürreereignis in der gesamten GRACE-Datanreihe”, berichten Rodell and his team. During El Niño, the Air Force chattered in the second phase of the late Südhalbkugel.

Anomaly in Wasserspeicher on Earth after 25 years. © Rodell et al/ Geophysical Research, CC-by 4.0

On a global scale and in flight, the Ornaments sank to a mass of 23 Millimeters from 2014 to 2016 – also very hard, nothing was done, but nothing was done. In the next period, Art erholten sich die weltweiten Wasserreserven diesmal nicht – auch nicht nach nach Ende der El-Niño-Periode. “Der globale terrestrische Wasservorrat ist seit dieser anfänglichen Abnahme niedrig geblieben”, schreiben die Forschenden.

Statistics Analysis shows that the server passion in the current situation is higher than usual, naturally Schwankungen is getting worse day by day. “Tests revealed an abnormal situation that suddenly emerged from 2014 to 2016. A sudden development in one of the world’s top wastes brought Rodell and his team together.

Gehäufte Dürren and El Niño

An Arrested War Passion consists of analyzing a Dürren Series up to the El Niño that quickly reached the Continent. „13 der 30 schwersten Dürren haben sich seit in January 2015. This agreement resulted in 52 of the Landoberfläches in the Green Lands and Antarctic, enriching Rodell and Kollegen. Neben Süda, America and Asia are engaged with Europe. There are also some with the best performance among all records from 2018 to 2020.

Den Hauptanteil is the team official at Schwund der Wasserreserven in Asia. Dort was washed hot for a very long time and cleaned as he washed once more. This sound performs much better between the Grundwasser entnomes and Wasser zu versorgen in Wasser aus Seen, Flüssen and Ballungsräume. Asia’s hard water utilities are so atrocious that African landfills have no connection whatsoever.

Verdunstung und Starkregen Verschärfen die Lage

And now we can say once again: Instead of Grundwassers, there is a product that reproduces Wasservorräte for a longer period of time. A day later they die, come back hard and all is well – To fly again and return once more. When Starkregen falls, when Niederschläge dies, the gilded dies. Gleichzeitig is due to Verdunstung gestiegen and server passion in Untergrund.

Rodell and the Seinem Team came closest in time, arriving from Klimawandel and reaching Wettermuster. “Höhere Temperaturen erhöhen sowohl die Verdunstung als die Wasserspeicher-Kapazität der Atmosphäre”, erklärt Rodell. It dies very long and intensely and is much more developed than Starkregen.

Have you made a change to the new “Normal”?

Nothing is known, this indicates a new phase is a new trend or a new trend. “Wir werden sehen, ob die terrestrischen Wasserreserven irgendwann wieder auf das Vor-2015-Niveau zurückkehren, ob sie auf dem aktuellen Stand bleiben o sogar weiter abnehmen”, konstatieren die Wissenschaftler. When you stop, suddenly walk away from the landfill and face a situation that gets worse over the course of the day.

As a result of the actual weather conditions, it is possible to protect against air pollution and create more waste in the Atmosphere and Weniger Süßwasser in Seen, Flüssen and Grundwasserreservoiren an Land. He warned Rodell and his team, “We die once more before the timing, we will do our best to reunite with another.” (Geophysical Research, 2024; doi: 10.1007/s10712-024-09860-w)

Quelle: NASA/ Goddard Space Flight Center

19. November 2024 – Nadja Podbregar